About Me

Wangui Kimari works as the participatory action research coordinator for the Mathare Social Justice Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, a community-based organisation in the poor urban settlement Mathare. The organisation strives for social justice by means of community engagement and the use of social movement platforms.

Maji ni Haki! Water is our right!
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Maji ni Haki! Water is our right!

From the Mathare Social Justice Centre in Nairobi: Where is the water for our people? And what challenges do they face trying to make sure they can get enough for their families everyday? Our Art for Social Change campaign made a song about water struggles, and it features powerful commentary and activists from across Nairobi. […]

On raids and connecting favela resistance(s) in Kenya and Brazil
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On raids and connecting favela resistance(s) in Kenya and Brazil

Wangui Kimari thinks across Kenya and Brazil’s experience of raids Lately a lot of people I know in Nairobi have been talking about raids. These that are most recent, and which have filled news broadcasts, are the terror-filled incursions by state forces in poor urban settlements which are conducted, supposedly, to fight terrorism. It seems to […]